AA Information

What is the AA division?

AA division IS NOT A LEAGUE on its own.

It is an extension to the "A" league and a bridge for the "AAA" league.

Softball MB recognized that there was a large gap between community level softball and the AAA softball leagues. By creating the AA program, associations can now offer a more competitive environment for the more skilled players.

Because the registration numbers are not very high, the players that play on the AA team will still have to play on their community A team. The idea of AA softball is to hopefully one day establish it's own league.   

Why are there try outs for AA?

The AA program is geared towards the more skilled players. While everyone who signs up for A ball will be placed on a team, the tryouts for AA are to ensure it is a competitive environment. The AA tryouts will need to be completed by May 4, 2025. The team will consist of 11 to 13 players. 

Athletes must play A ball to tryout for a AA team.


Why are there no league games in AA? 

  1. As the program is in its early stages there would be no time for league games as they would interfere with the scheduled games for the A league. For this reason Softball MB is arranging a showcase weekend tournament for the AA teams with another weekend for provincials. There is also the potential for teams to have exhibition games against other AA teams that coaches can set up on the established Friday or Sunday practices for AA teams. 
  2. Umpire availability is at a premium. There just isn't enough umpires for all the leagues at the same time.


What is the commitment level for AA players?

With their A team

  • Attend practices set out by the coaches
  • Attend weekday league games (2x/wk)
  • Attend any tournaments they are registered in
  • Attend "A" league CRSL championships 

With their AA team

  • Must attend Friday and Sunday evening practices. Once A league provincials are completed for each age division in July, coaches will increase the practices during the week.
  • Must attend AA Showcase weekend tournament on June 13-15 location TBD.
  • Must attend AA provincial tournament held on July 23-25 location TBD.

During the interval between the A provincial tournament and the AA provincial tournament, coaches may incorporate more practices and exhibition games.


What costs will there be to play AA?

There will be a $25 tryout fee to cover the cost of the facility.

For the players that make the team there will be additional costs...

  • A $75 refundable fee for the uniform top.
  • A $100 Softball Manitoba Insurance and online registration cost per team
  • The cost of the two tournaments
  • Any costs of exhibition games
  • Potential costs for equipment

Approximately $150 to $200 total per player




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