2023 Ice Breaker Tournament

NESA and Softball Manitoba Umpires are hosting the 2023 Icebreaker Softball Tournament

Divisions: U13 & U15 - maximum 8 teams per Division
3 spots remaining for U13
1 spot remaining for U15

May 12-14 at Optimist Park - 1130 Arnould Rd, Ile des Chenes, MB 

Guaranteed 3 games

Registration Fee: $350
e-transfer to treasurer@northeastsoftball.ca 
**include your Division and Team Name in the Memo field**

Contact: Dustin Ehr - secondvp@northeastsoftball.ca


Registrations will be taken on a first come first serve basis, once fees have been received.
The Primary contact will receive an email to confirm registration has been accepted.

Registration closes Tuesday, May 9.

Click here to register



Schedule will be sent out by Wednesday, May 10

Game results will be posted at the tournament facility.

Pre-tournament meeting 5:30pm Friday, May 12 

Home Team is responsible for scorekeeping. 

Teams will provide their own game balls and first aid kits.




U13 CRSL Special Playing Rules and U15 CRSL Special Playing Rules are in effect unless superseded with the following tournament rules

Home team is determined by coin flip for all games including play-offs.

Games are 5 innings or 75 minutes (no inning may start after 60 minutes), whichever comes first. No time limit on medal games.

Round Robin games may end in a tie.

Semi-Final and Final Game: if a game is tied after 5 innings, extra innings shall be played using the Tie Breaker Rule.

Tie Breaker Rule: The batter that last completed a turn at bat in the previous inning shall start the inning as a base runner at second base.

Points awarded as follows in Round Robin play

  • 2 points for a win
  • 1 point for a tie
  • 0 points for a loss

If after Round Robin play, teams are tied, the following shall be used to determine placing

  1. Head to head
  2. Most wins
  3. Most wins within your pool
  4. Runs for and against to a max of 7 +/- per game
  5. Runs against to a max of 7 per game
  6. Runs for to a max of 7 per game
  7. Coin toss

Any coach ejected from a game must sit out the next game as well, and not be in either park for that game.

Tournament Committee will determine if ejection from the tournament is warranted for all game ejections.

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